While employed at another consulting firm Steve Cook directed, managed and assisted Batac Corporation with delineating soils impacted by hydraulic oils and remediating these impacted soils. Following remedial activities a soil and groundwater sampling plan was developed to obtain information for justifying a no further action status for the Site. To accomplish these objectives we completed the following project tasks:
- Remediation and Soil Assessment – Remedial operations involving saw cutting the floor slab inside the mechanical room and the underslap of the office lobby was performed to access and remove approximately 13 yards of contaminated soils. During the excavation process, confirmatory soil sampling was performed along the walls of the excavation to evaluate the endpoints of the excavation process. Soils were analyzed for total petroleum hydrocarbons and selected inorganics. Field investigative and sampling activities were conducted in accordance with State of Florida guidelines and an approved Comprehensive Quality Assurance Plan (Comp QAP).
- Soil and Ground Water Verification Sampling and Analysis – Soil and ground water sampling activities to confirm that impacted soil has been removed and/or verify effectiveness of these remedial steps were conducted. A groundwater monitoring well was installed down gradient of the area of concern to evaluate ground water conditions near the area of impacted soils. Ground water samples were collected and submitted to a state certified laboratory for chemical analysis.
- Reporting and Site Closure Activities – Following remedial actions and associated soil and ground water sampling activities, we prepared and submitted a written report to the FDEP. This report detailed site activities, summarized the sampling data, and provided justification for a NFA status for the Site. The sampling results confirmed that groundwater at the site was not impacted. The FDEP accepted the conclusions documented in the remedial summary report and no further action was approved for the Site.