
Batac Towers (Site Assessment and Remediation)

While employed at another consulting firm Steve Cook directed, managed and assisted Batac Corporation with delineating soils impacted by hydraulic oils and remediating these impacted soils. Following remedial activities a soil and groundwater sampling plan was developed to obtain information for justifying a no further action status for the Site. To accomplish these objectives we completed the following project tasks: Remediation and Soil Assessment – Remedial operations involving saw cutting the floor slab inside the mechanical room and the underslap of the office lobby was [...]

Winter Springs Well Field Vulnerability Analysis

T race concentrations of volatile organic compounds were detected in three of Winter Springs’ seven water supply wells. Located in the western boundaries of the City, these wells provide 0.7 million gallons a day of potable water to the community. The City contracted E Sciences to provide hydrogeological assistance related to developing a well field program. Elements of this program included: Project management and planning Preparing a geographical information system (GIS) base map for the well field and areas immediately surrounding the well fields [...]

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Walt Disney World Laundry Facility Assessment and Remediation

T his site is the subject of a Consent Order Agreement with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP).  In March 1989, a perchloroethylene (PCE) filter ruptured and released approximately 150 gallons of PCE at one of the largest commercial laundries in the world.  PCE is a chemical substance that is more dense than water and is the principal dry‑cleaning fluid used at the facility.  The laundry has been in operation since 1971. Following the spill, a preliminary investigation detected several chlorinated compounds in [...]

Water Use, NPDES Industrial Wastewater and Environmental Permitting

Assisted Florida Mining Corporation with preparing and obtaining various permits which included SWFWMD Individual Water Use Permit, FDEP NPDES Industrial Wastewater Discharge Permit of Non-Process Water, FDEP Environmental Resource Permit as well as United States Army Corps of Engineers and County permits for a 1004-acre lime rock mine in Sumter County. As part of this project engineers, hydrologists, and hydrogeologists designed a water management program to evaluate and manage surface water and ground water systems. The project team also prepared and environmental assessment and monitoring [...]

By |Categories: Groundwater, Water Resources|

Hydrogeological Assessment Services

I n early 2001, several volatile organic compounds (VOCs) were detected in two of the City of Winter Springs’ five potable water supply wells. The supply wells are located near the western boundary of the City and provide 0.7 million gallons a day (gpd) of clean Floridan aquifer water to residents. Following discovery of VOCs, the City contracted E Sciences to provide hydrogeological assistance for investigating into the source of VOCs and assisting the City with protecting it water resources. Elements of this hydrogeological [...]

By |Categories: Groundwater, Water Resources|Tags: |

Villages of Wesmere Phase I and II Environmental Site Assessments

S tephen Cook assisted Site Selectors Realty during acquisition of a 100-acre tract in Orange County, Florida. As part of due diligence efforts, we completed a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) in accordance with ASTM Designation E 1527-00 Standards. Site Selectors also implemented a Phase II investigation, which targeted two areas of concern: suspect structures observed during review of historical aerial photographs, and an off-site area undergoing petroleum cleanup activities. The Phase II efforts included installing a network of groundwater piezometers (to obtain [...]

By |Categories: Groundwater, Site Assessment, Soil|Tags: , |
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