tephen Cook assisted Site Selectors Realty during acquisition of a 100-acre tract in Orange County, Florida. As part of due diligence efforts, we completed a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) in accordance with ASTM Designation E 1527-00 Standards.

Site Selectors also implemented a Phase II investigation, which targeted two areas of concern: suspect structures observed during review of historical aerial photographs, and an off-site area undergoing petroleum cleanup activities. The Phase II efforts included installing a network of groundwater piezometers (to obtain the direction of groundwater flow on-site) and monitoring wells (to obtain groundwater samples for laboratory analysis). While installing one of the wells, strong odors, identified as petroleum-like, were noticed by the drilling contractor. Soil samples were collected for laboratory analysis and on-site screening was performed using an organic vapor analyzer (OVA). The results of the soil and groundwater analyses indicated that there were two impacted locations on the property. Sampling of monitoring wells indicated petroleum constituents had also impacted groundwater. With this information, the current landowner prepared and submitted a discharge report form to regulatory agencies, and implemented remediation steps for restoring soil and groundwater to state cleanup standards. At the second location, down-gradient from the off-site petroleum cleanup, a network of wells were installed. Analytical results of groundwater had by-passed the groundwater monitoring plan approved by the regulatory agencies and had migrated onto the subject property. These impacts were not anticipated and resulted in the current property owner modifying the existing groundwater monitoring plan to evaluate the extent of this impacted groundwater.

We also assisted in Site Selectors by estimating the cost and time frame for cleanup of the soil and groundwater, and providing environmental support during contract negotiations. Our efforts resulted in a potential savings of $400,000 in investigation, remediation, and monitoring cost had this contaminated soil and groundwater not been discovered prior to acquiring the property.

Mr. David Stimmell

Site Selectors Realty, Inc

Our efforts resulted in a potential savings of $400,000 in investigation, remediation, and monitoring cost had this contaminated soil and groundwater not been discovered prior to acquiring the property.